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Narda's Nuggets

The girlfriends in your life should be of substance, integrity, and power; of influential anointing that empowers and propels you into the right direction. When I leave your presence, I should be refreshed, renewed, and restored, not deranged, discouraged, or detracted. Choose your friends wisely.

When it looks like nothing's happening, like the butterfly going through metamorphosis, much activity is taking place within.

Those who have broken free from an area of bondage should guard themselves from pride and haughtiness for those still in the process.

During the cold and wintry nights of your life, you will find that there is an indomitable, unconquerable, and fortified summer stored in the oasis of your heart. Always remember the Greater One is residing within you.

Doctrine is a body of ideas that are taught to people as truthful or correct. While doctrine in and of itself is not a bad thing, we must proceed with caution, being careful that the rules or principles that form the basis of a belief or policy are not a distorted view or faulty interpretation of the Word of God.

When I begin to grasp or perceive the value of the KNOWLEDGE (the information) of God's Word and how it applies to me, this is called UNDERSTANDING. It is like a light bulb goes off and you say, "Ahh".

Allow your life to become Word-saturated and you will see the enemy flee.

The showers in our lives serve two purposes - to uproot and wash away the debris that has infested and invaded our lives but then to prepare and make pliable our stony hearts so that new growth can take place.

No one ever comes to his or her full potential in comfort zone. If we reject the breaking process, we face the danger of contaminating the baby (ministry) God gives us by imparting to them what is on us. What is on the head will flow onto the body. It is God's desire to heal our land (soul), but we cannot triumph over what we refuse to meet head on.

Allow the rain in your life to wash the hurts and ills of your past. Then permit the power of God to sow in you the Seeds of Life.

Since integrity doesn't develop apart from a consistent resolve, there is a need for daily, ongoing transformation to be more like Him.

Our life is a garden with landscapes that will always require mowing, plowing, and weed-eating.

I have held many things in my hands and lost them all; but the things I've placed in the hands of my God, those I will forever possess.

God allows or appoints things in our life to be shaken to show us that He is the only strong and solid foundation.

Through the obscurity of your night seasons, SING and LIFT up the banner of the Lord. Then watch the power of the Lord rescue, confound, and scatter your enemies.

Does your life have the ability to "suck it up"? Allow the rain in your life to eliminate, eradicate, and exterminate the dry and hard elements that cause infertility and unfruitfulness. When you "suck it up", you will begin to encounter a refreshing, restoring, and renewing that will transform your muddled garden into an amazing terrain.

Like Jesus, don't be afraid or intimidated to put a LOCK and click BLOCK when the enemy tries to infiltrate your sanctuary, your world, your space. If they receive you, then they receive the One who sent you. If they don't receive you then do like the Bible says, dust your feet and click DELETE!

The BIG BANG Theory - my definition - God spoke, "Let there be ..." and (((BANG))),....... IT WAS SO.

When facing life's challenges, you must know when to take off your stilettos and know when to put on your combat boots.

When I dare to step out, to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of the vision God has placed within me, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.


You are God's treasure box and need not compete for that which you already possess. Never relinquish your dreams, for in you lies the creative birthing of God that works in you and through you to do great things to the glory and honor of His Name.

My Helmet of Salvation serves as a filtering system for my heart and what I allow to fester there can poison and cause my way of thinking to become obscure.

Living my life by God's great design.

Keep dreaming, keep believing, for there is an IMpossible with God not impossible.

Embrace your suffering and you'll find your destiny.

It's not how I start but how I finish!

You have a vision? Give it a plan.

Without a plan, my vision would be nothing more than a dream.

Vision is a bridge that will take you from your present and into your future.

What fragrance do you possess and generate? Will you permit the power of God's Word to cultivate in you the fruit of the Spirit or will you just sit among the roses?

Our testimony should be the overall tone of what rings in our hearts throughout the day. What is your ringtone?

In spite of everything you may be going through, every moment in time is pregnant with possibilities. Looking back to where you've been will allow you to see what you are becoming. You are full of possibilities.

Each day is a new page ready to be composed with the pen of a ready writer. Define your inscriptions with life changing words.

Our life is a garden and what we allow to co-habit with us determines our expansion.

When the enemy tries to use various means to harass or infiltrate your space through back doors and windows, slam the door and place an ANTI-Distraction block in its place; it's just that simple.

A prisoner of my own mind . . . rescued by God's faithfulness to never let me go!

Willfully surrendering to the sovereignty of your Gethsemane will produce in you godly wisdom and authority.

Never underestimate my God and the prayers of the saints, because He will just prove you wrong.

Never be afraid of opposition, for in order to fly, we have to have resistance.

The greatest passion is one's compassion. Those who sow mercy shall also reap mercy; for God is love.

The Wind of God is blowing; set your sails.

Whether it's a hallelujah praise or bow down and worship, hearing, following, and obeying the instructions of God is crucial to your victory.

Learning the art of your spiritual weaponries and knowing how to use them when your path becomes vague and formless, unclear and ambiguous, will carry you through any crisis in life.

The trials and storms in my life didn't kill me but made me wiser and stronger. Sometimes God doesn't show up until your situation has died and is messy and smelly. Don't panic and think God has forgotten or forsaken you. Remember Lazarus. It is when you have died that the Resurrected Christ breathes life into you, your dreams, your hope, and your aspirations. You shall rise and live again.

God allows or appoints things in our life to be shaken to show us that He is the only strong and solid foundation.

Through the obscurity of your night seasons, SING and LIFT up the banner of the Lord. Then watch the power of the Lord rescue, confound, and scatter your enemies.

Does your life have the ability to "suck it up"? Allow the rain in your life to eliminate, eradicate, and exterminate the dry and hard elements that cause infertility and unfruitfulness. When you "suck it up", you will begin to encounter a refreshing, restoring, and renewing that will transform your muddled garden into an amazing terrain.

Like Jesus, don't be afraid or intimidated to put a LOCK and click BLOCK when the enemy tries to infiltrate your sanctuary, your world, your space. If they receive you, then they receive the One who sent you. If they don't receive you then do like the Bible says, dust your feet and click DELETE!

The BIG BANG Theory - my definition - God spoke, "Let there be ..." and (((BANG))),....... IT WAS SO.

When facing life's challenges, you must know when to take off your stilettos and know when to put on your combat boots.

When I dare to step out, to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of the vision God has placed within me, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.

You are God's treasure box and need not compete for that which you already possess. Never relinquish your dreams, for in you lies the creative birthing of God that works in you and through you to do great things to the glory and honor of His Name.

My Helmet of Salvation serves as a filtering system for my heart and what I allow to fester there can poison and cause my way of thinking to become obscure.

Living my life by God's great design.

Keep dreaming, keep believing, for there is an IMpossible with God not impossible.

Embrace your suffering and you'll find your destiny.

It's not how I start but how I finish!

You have a vision? Give it a plan.

Without a plan, my vision would be nothing more than a dream.

Vision is a bridge that will take you from your present and into your future.

What fragrance do you possess and generate? Will you permit the power of God's Word to cultivate in you the fruit of the Spirit or will you just sit among the roses?

Our testimony should be the overall tone of what rings in our hearts throughout the day. What is your ringtone?

In spite of everything you may be going through, every moment in time is pregnant with possibilities. Looking back to where you've been will allow you to see what you are becoming. You are full of possibilities.

Each day is a new page ready to be composed with the pen of a ready writer. Define your inscriptions with life changing words.

Our life is a garden and what we allow to co-habit with us determines our expansion.

When the enemy tries to use various means to harass or infiltrate your space through back doors and windows, slam the door and place an ANTI-Distraction block in its place; it's just that simple.

A prisoner of my own mind . . . rescued by God's faithfulness to never let me go!

Willfully surrendering to the sovereignty of your Gethsemane will produce in you godly wisdom and authority.

Never underestimate my God and the prayers of the saints, because He will just prove you wrong.

Never be afraid of opposition, for in order to fly, we have to have resistance.

The greatest passion is one's compassion. Those who sow mercy shall also reap mercy; for God is love.

The Wind of God is blowing; set your sails.

Whether it's a hallelujah praise or bow down and worship, hearing, following, and obeying the instructions of God is crucial to your victory.

Learning the art of your spiritual weaponries and knowing how to use them when your path becomes vague and formless, unclear and ambiguous, will carry you through any crisis in life.

The trials and storms in my life didn't kill me but made me wiser and stronger. Sometimes God doesn't show up until your situation has died and is messy and smelly. Don't panic and think God has forgotten or forsaken you. Remember Lazarus. It is when you have died that the Resurrected Christ breathes life into you, your dreams, your hope, and your aspirations. You shall rise and live again.

What fragrance do you possess and generate? Will you permit the power of God's Word to cultivate in you the fruit of the Spirit or will you just sit among the roses?

Our testimony should be the overall tone of what rings in our hearts throughout the day. What is your ringtone?

In spite of everything you may be going through, every moment in time is pregnant with possibilities. Looking back to where you've been will allow you to see what you are becoming. You are full of possibilities.

Each day is a new page ready to be composed with the pen of a ready writer. Define your inscriptions with life changing words.

Our life is a garden and what we allow to co-habit with us determines our expansion.

When the enemy tries to use various means to harass or infiltrate your space through back doors and windows, slam the door and place an ANTI-Distraction block in its place; it's just that simple.

A prisoner of my own mind . . . rescued by God's faithfulness to never let me go!

Willfully surrendering to the sovereignty of your Gethsemane will produce in you godly wisdom and authority.

Never underestimate my God and the prayers of the saints, because He will just prove you wrong.

Never be afraid of opposition, for in order to fly, we have to have resistance.

The greatest passion is one's compassion. Those who sow mercy shall also reap mercy; for God is love.

The Wind of God is blowing; set your sails.

Whether it's a hallelujah praise or bow down and worship, hearing, following, and obeying the instructions of God is crucial to your victory.

Learning the art of your spiritual weaponries and knowing how to use them when your path becomes vague and formless, unclear and ambiguous, will carry you through any crisis in life.

The trials and storms in my life didn't kill me but made me wiser and stronger. Sometimes God doesn't show up until your situation has died and is messy and smelly. Don't panic and think God has forgotten or forsaken you. Remember Lazarus. It is when you have died that the Resurrected Christ breathes life into you, your dreams, your hope, and your aspirations. You shall rise and live again.

Trade in your old security blanket and God will weave an irreplaceable comforter filled with dreams and hope.

Everything of value will find us when we are found in hot pursuit of God's presence

Keep TWINKLING, SPARKLING, and SHINING in the obscurities of your night seasons and allow the radiation of the love of the Son to glow each and every day.

There is personal preparation one must make before entering the presence of the King.

We must be willing to alter and adjust so that the process of making or becoming different can take place.

Don't let life, people, or your past failures define who you are. The Word of God says that through Christ, you are an overcomer in this life. Failure is an event not a person, so unless we fully rely on God's power within us, we will yield to the pressures around us.

Don't allow the colossal of life's challenges and fear to paralyze you but instead let them help you discover who you are. For you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

The difference between the world and you is that the DNA of the King of kings flows in you to do a great work through you. Mighty is the God that lives within you.

When you feel like Dorothy, alone, lost, and a long way from home, remember to always look behind you, for Goodness and Mercy will always be there; in front of you, His Spirit will always guide, and within you, where His Truth and Love abides. My Father told me so in His personal love letters to me in Psalm 23.

Sometimes small choices can have long-lasting effects. Think wisely and count the cost.

Seasonal decisions bring about lifetime changes.

Everything of value will find us when we are found in hot pursuit of God's presence.

Fear brings ruins where there is no Word, but faith is the rock of a fortress built on the Word.

Stepping on a man while climbing the social or corporate ladder of success is a sure way of leadings one's character to an unrewarding end.

©2011 Narda'sNuggets. All Rights Reserved.

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