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iPray Gatherings

A time we gather to pray for our nation and our community leaders.

The GatheRing™ is a call to the Body of Christ for the purpose of providing, promoting, and making accessible to our communities a time of corporate prayer, teaching, and worship. It is a time to RECALCULATE, REINFORCE, and RECLAIM this nation back to GOD. We believe in Numbers 13:30 - "And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, "Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it'."

The GatheRingâ„¢ was founded by Narda Goodson in 2007. The name stems from her encounters with her first inspirational and spiritual leaders in Bronx, New York, where annual events were held as God's people "gathered" together in royal splendor. We are a Kingdom-minded people on a mission with God as our vision, and thus, we gather as ambassadors of the Lord Jesus Christ!

The GatheRingâ„¢ also provides camaraderie, support, resources, and monthly city/county wide "GatheRings" to assist leaders in networking and information sharing while providing opportunities for growth and exposure. It is a collaboration of Christian ministries, pastors, community leaders, prayer intercessors and warriors, and organizations with godly integrity showing the way through good example, experience, education, and knowledge.       

We are a people of God that have been set apart, equipped, filled with the Holy Spirit, and are serving and shining in a world of darkness. We are NOT here for name recognition or status but merely as vessels and servants of the Lord. We understand that our calling and gifts come from God and that His Word has supreme Lordship. We utilize our calling, ministries, and gifts with a Biblical approach through counseling, mentoring, empowering and equipping of the saints, and praying through the Word of God. 

Our ultimate goal is to see people refreshed, renewed, and restored to a loving God through His Son, Jesus Christ and our nation in a position of RIGHT STANDING with GOD. Visit the official website at WWW.FIRSTLADIESOFTHEROUNDTABLE.ORG

If you would like to partner with us, please click here.

To RSVP to The GatheRing, please click here.

To find out more about our Prayer 

Gathering, please SUBSCRIBE below.

We will send you updates on our services.


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Praying for the Seven Centers of Power:

Government, Military, Media, Business, Education, Church, Family

•GOVERNMENT: State & City Levels

•GOVERNMENT: Executive, Legislative, & Judicial System, Congress, Senate

•NATIONAL/STATE LEADERS: president, governors, mayors, judges, district attorneys, state representatives & officials,

•congressmen, senators, councilmen

•LAW ENFORCEMENT: Chief of police, policemen

•FIRE DEPARTMENT: Fire Chief, fire fighters, volunteers



Marines, Navy, Army, Air Force

Military men and women


Movie/film industry, Music industry, Television Programs

Actors, Producers, Directors, Writers


Local businesses


•Superintendents, principals, teachers, administrators, faculty, staff, students


•COMMUNITY LEADERS: pastors, church leaders, volunteers


•MARRIAGE: Covenant marriage of one man and one woman

Men, Women, Children, Widows, Orphans, Singles, Married

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