Partner With Us
Hello friend. I'm so happy and thankful that you are here. If you've made it to this page, it is more likely to mean that you are here because GOD led you here. Please allow me to take this time to share a few of my heart's thoughts with you concerning you, your donation, and how we use it.
NGMi has always been a free ministry. Ministry is what I do full time as I have dedicated my entire life to this vocation and without reservations. I have freely received by a gracious GOD and so I freely give to pour out to others. This is my life's calling.
So how is NGMi supported?
NGMi is first supported and sustained through my personal books sales, my own finances, and I always intend for it to remain this way. Secondly, it is supported through donors like you.
However, the reality of working full time ministry is this: it takes money to run ministry because there is a "business aspect" to every side of ministry. Bills and ministry overhead expenses still have to be paid on a monthly basis, but your financial gift helps lighten this burden, which in turn enables me to continue to spread the Gospel of Yeshua (Jesus).
I want to remain open and transparent in every capacity especially concerning the financial aspect that pertains to NGMi. As its founder and leader, I was never led to bring the ministry under a 501(C3). For years, every time I thought this would be the direction I would eventually take, I could sense in my heart the Father saying a clear no each time.