The Mayor With The Flair

"The Mayor With The Flair"
by Narda Goodson Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved.
The Mayor with the “flair”
That’s who they know him to be
Voted Texoma’s best dressed man
by Herald Democrat’s readers in the Year 2003
Most popular and liked
Yet, a simple Cowboy, Mavericks fan
With 80 years of giving
The Mayor with the “flair”
Looking good we must confess
What’s the secret people always ask
He didn’t eat the processed mess
Just Snicker Bars, some weenies
A country steak, potato fan
For eighty years
Good God Almighty,
You’re a fine looking man!
You mean to tell me
No vitamins, no medicine, no “helps”
along the way
That’s right, you heard me loud and
Now, that’s the Goodson way
The Mayor with the “flair”
That’s who they know him to be
But I know him much deeper than that
You see, he’s very dear to me
A man who stands tall
A man who is wise
In courage to triumph
A hero in my eyes
From the Depression to Segregation
To white and black fountains and through the back doors
Yet, the obscure future did not stop him from dreaming
He opened up five stores
He outlived partiality, hypocrisy, atrocity
Came out the victor at the end
Never losing an ounce of his sanity
Humility and integrity were his comrade and friends
You see, he did not find the need to cheat
Dupe or con a brother
His skills and wits were enough to take him through
And the color of his skin wasn’t a bother
In the Air Force and Army
He led through tough strides
Sergeant Major in both units
He retired with pride
From Korea to Vietnam
And the end of WWII
From the jungles, swamps, and mountains
He fought for the red, white, and blue
From the Black Crackers in baseball
To the Chicago Cubs, number sixty-two
Master electrician and military communications specialist
A graduate from Lincoln High too
University of San Francisco
A bachelor’s degree from Bishop College
With a degree in pharmacy
He graduated with a lot of knowledge
For KNOK-AM Dallas
He’s a sports journalist and radio host
Editor and founder of The Southwest Sporting News Really, I’m not trying to boast
Achieved a business management degree
Wrote columns for the Dallas Express
There’s so much more to the Mayor with the “flair” He’s clothed with inner success
Served in twenty-two plus committees
Much time he’s afford
Always found the time to commit
To children and crisis boards
The Mayor with the “flair”
Makes his school rounds every week
You’ll find the students gathering
They want to hear him speak
“I’m number one!”
They always shout
And when he’s around
There is never a pout
If you look very closely
You’ll find him busy down on a city street
Trust me, his workers know
That he can run like an athlete
He can fly like a butterfly
And sting like a bee
One of his EMT workers will tell you
He can hit like Mohammed Ali
He’s a husband, a father, a brother
A mentor, a judge, and a friend
But you’ll never find a Mayor with the “flair”
Who’s as true of a friend to the end
Those of you who really know him
Know that I speak the truth
Not just because he’s my husband
Or because I wish to toot
He’s the Mayor with the “flair”
Looking good with his cowboy hat
Bolo, boots, and collar stays
But as you can see, he’s much more than
A politician, mathematician,
A scientist, historian, and teacher
He’s a walking, talking encyclopedia
Never knowing he’d marry a preacher
The Mayor with the “flair”
He’s as smooth as he can be
Talk about the romantic side
He’s a true master of all three
Three? What three?
Did I hear you say three?
Yes, folks
I’m fixing to tell you all about three
He’s a husband, provider, protector
A man of noble propriety
A man of position and prayer
The greatest security
He’s romantic, passionate
And seasoned with flavor
A man who understands his wife
Never causing unnecessary labor
Did I hear a gasp
A hush or a shy?
If you read the Book of Solomon
You’ll understand the tie
That binds a man and a woman
In love so sincere
That the doors are closed to any and all
Of those who’d interfere
The Mayor with the “flair”
Yes, Bill Goodson this is true
You’re not an imaginary legend
For truly your life has spoken for you
As you can probably tell
I can go on and on
But I will now conclude this poetry
With my cowboy’s favorite song
“I Cross My Heart”
By George Strait

Dedicated to my husband on his 80th Birthday Celebration April 2009 * Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved